Always and Forever

Community Member

I love Canvas, and I hope you do too!



Dear Canvas,


I don't know what I would do without you! In addition to saving me from lugging pounds of paperwork home every night, you have also helped me make the world a greener place. Your easy to use and intuitive platform was love at first sight from the moment I first laid eyes on you as a classroom teacher five years ago. Because of you, my students knew exactly what they had missed when absent from class and I outlined each class session for students. 


While in the classroom, one of my favorite features was the Message Students Who feature. This feature is great because teachers can easily remind students of an upcoming due date, congratulate students who did well on an assignment, or invite students who scored a little lower than expected to tutorials. It's a great way for to stay in contact with students. 


But our bond has grown much deeper over the years, Canvas. As I moved to the role of Innovation Leader I learned more about all the integrations and amazing functions you perform behind the scenes while developing a greater appreciation for course design and layout. Your ability to integrate with other programs, such as Flipgrid, BrainPop, EdPuzzle and much, much more makes classroom instruction even more seamless! From an admin perspective, developing a course template with curriculum coordinators helps make you even easier for teachers to use. You are the one responsible for developing my basic HTML coding skills. You, Canvas, give me the platform to teach teachers how to organize and structure course content so students understand it best. 


Naysayers try and compare you to your fraternal twin, Google Classroom, but I know, Canvas, who the real stud here is and it's you. 




Abigail Offenbaker 


Canvas Love