Day 6: Points for Helping

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
This content is over 24-months old. While the resource is still valuable to the Community, it is important to evaluate the content to ensure that it is still relevant and reliable.


On the sixth day of Canvasmas, the Canvas Community gave to me: Six Points for Helping…


Who doesn’t like to be rewarded for a little extra hard work here and there? Or better yet, for those of us with a competitive spirit, who else loves taking down our peers in a friendly way? That’s what the Canvas Community gives to us: rewards and friendly competition!


Did you know that in part of the Community you have what are called “Mission Badges”? In order earn these badges, you accumulate a set of points (as outlined in the badge requirements), and after you accumulate the required points - you get the badge!




So, take a look at your Mission Badges. Where do you rank compared to others? (Pro Tip: when viewing the leader board for overall points, you can also view the missions!)




Here are a few of my favorite Mission Badges and some people I want to point out as being awesome in the Community:

  • Mission: Influence - snufer is currently Ranked #5 and at a Level 23!
  • Mission: Helper -  @James  is Ranked #4 with Level 574!!!
  • Mission: Leadership - laurakgibbs is in First Place at Level 73!
  • Mission: Respond -  @kblack  has placed Ninth with Level 44!!
  • Mission: Virality - lauramaewojo is about to take down Community Panda for the 15th spot and Level 77!!!!


I hope you can see that there’s more to the Community and challenging each other than the “normal” way to score points. Mission Badges give you a whole new way to challenge yourself and your colleagues - and it helps each of us who live in the Community! Mission Badges really are a win-win for everyone!


I hope you’re enjoying the “12 Days of Canvasmas” as much as I am so far! Happy Holidays, y’all!

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