Got Confetti? Share Your Educational Confetti Moments, Big and Small with Canvas

Community Team
Community Team


The journey of life-long learning is filled with small moments that add up to make a big impact. These are moments that are uniquely yours...your moments of joy, your moments of reflection, and, importantly, your moments of accomplishment and pride. We want to celebrate with you!

2023_Canvas-Brand-Campaign_LandingPage_Images_StoryPoint2.png copy.pngThrough now and April 14, Instructure is looking to collect all of these moments through the Making Confetti Moments contest. You’re encouraged to enter by creating and sharing a short video, snapping a photo, or authoring a descriptive post of your education-related confetti moment. Then, with the hashtag #ConfettiWithCanvas, celebrate yourself and share your confetti on Twitter or Instagram or on Canvas by Instructure’s Facebook page.

Remember -- educational confetti moments are for everyone, whether you’re a student, educator, or family member. Also, to participate, you don’t need a confetti cannon to have a confetti moment. Get creative, tear your old test papers, rip that unused craft paper, or shred the magazines you’ve saved for your vision board. Show us what you’ve got! The more creative and purely YOU, the better!

Instructure will pick three posts and then invite the Instructure Community to vote for the top moment. The winner gets an iPad and some sweet Panda swag!

For the full contest details and some fun panda-filled inspiration, please visit the official contest website.