Sharing Research & Best Practices

Community Champion

According to Instructional Design in Higher Education: Defining an Evolving Field, sharing “research and best practices” and "improving training and development processes" helps define the field of instructional design (Beirne & Romanoski, 2018) 


Reflecting back on 2018, I’m grateful that I had opportunities to help define the field.

Some highlights from my year:

  • Created my first OER: Designing Quality Online Discussions and Image, Video and Audio Resources 
  • Supported faculty learning to teach online 
  • Became a faculty mentor and mentored faculty teaching their first online courses 
  • Designed a course, that will be taught by various faculty members, in which students use OER to create all of their assignments  
  • Worked with an instructional designer in another state through the ID2ID Program on projects that included: the application of research to improve courses and to create/improve processes, and submitting a (recently accepted) conference proposal 
  • Became an Adobe Campus Leader because of my contributions to the community in the Adobe Education Exchange. 
  • Worked on an Innovation Grant with a teacher who created and used an open Education textbook in her courses  





Beirne, E. & Romanoski, M. P. (2018). Instructional Design in Higher Education: Defining an Evolving Field from OLC Outlook: An Environmental Scan of The Digital Learning Landscape. OLC Research Center for Digital Learning and Leadership, Online Learning ConsortiumRetrieved from 


2019 with colored circles