Studio, My Heart Beats Only For You

Community Contributor

I love Canvas, and I hope you do too!



Dear Canvas,


While I know that not everyone gets to see this side of you, I'm so glad you've opened up to me and have shown me the wonders of Canvas Studio. There's so many things to love, but I think I'll focus specifically on how seamlessly you integrate this part of you into the rest of the Canvas experience. All instructors have to do is open Studio up, make a quick recording, and then embed their brand-new video into any page, assignment, discussion, or announcement. I have lost track of how many times I've trained someone on Studio and had them respond "Wait, that's it? That's almost too easy!" And for students submitting videos to discussions or assignment submissions, they can take a video on their mobile device, open Canvas Student, upload their video, and submit it as an assignment. So easy! 


We have our barbering and cosmetology learners all working on styling mannikin heads and then uploading their process for later analysis and feedback. Instructors don't have to miss a thing! We've seen learners in gas utility filming their crews working with equipment and then critiquing the footage as a class. Learner performance has become the object of analysis, and it's so much more engaging and relevant. And don't even get me started on the ability for instructors to provide time-specific commentary on uploaded Studio assignment submissions.


Ah Canvas, I love your Studio side ever so much.





Canvas Love