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What is an Instructure Community Coach?

What is an Instructure Community Coach?


Logo - Instructure Community Coach 2019.png

What is a Community Coach?

The Community Coach program has a long history, dating back to 2012. A Community Coach is an extraordinary individual who is an experienced Canvas, Mastery, Elevate, or Impact user. They are an active member of the Instructure Community and are endorsed by Instructure. The role of a Community Coach is to serve, encourage, and advance the Instructure Community. Coaches are passionate leaders and innovators who strive to improve teaching and learning.

Who are the Community Coaches?

Our roster of Community Coaches consists of approximately 50 incredible individuals from different types of institutions and professional backgrounds. To easily identify Community Coaches in the forums, blogs, and user groups, Coaches have a C next to their username. They also have the rank Community Coach displayed under their username. 

How will Community Coaches be rewarded for their contributions?

While Instructure will send swag occasionally, the Community Coaches program is grounded in authenticity and the intrinsic motivation to support others. The best rewards are intangible! Perks for being a Community Coach will include various forms of recognition and respect, elevated status, early access, exclusive customer opportunities, influence, and connection. 

How do I become a Community Coach?

There is no application process to become a Community Coach. Community Coaches are nominated based on their presence, attitude, talents, and expertise. Of course, being an awesome and kind human who knows a lot about the Instructure Learning Platform helps too.

Twice a year, in April and October, the Community Team sends invitations to the most active and qualified individuals in the Instructure Community.

If you’re interested in becoming a Community Coach, here are some things that will catch the attention of the Community Team:

  • Be an individual who is consistently engaged in the Instructure Community.
  • Share helpful, kind, and patient feedback or replies.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to assist your peers by answering questions or providing unique solutions.
  • Prove your willingness to engage in or to start conversations.
  • Create empowering resources that benefit the entire Instructure Community, whether that’s through Instructure Live or a blog.

How long can someone be a Community Coach?

As long as the participation requirements are met (approximately 60-90 minutes of activity per month), a Coach may renew their commitment for an additional 6 months. Any vacant roster spaces are then offered to active Community members. Terms are designed to make it easier to welcome new Coaches into the program and to allow others to step out of the spotlight. 

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What a great group of Coaches!! Kudos everyone!

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