InstructureCon 2024: Canvas Data 2 Meetup Follow-Up

Community Participant


It was great seeing everyone this past week, and thank you to all who attended our Canvas Data 2 Meetup on Thursday, July 11!

As promised, @JenniferLash and I wanted to follow up so we can continue the awesome and engaging discussion we all had on Thursday, as well as invite others who may find this post to join in as well.

I didn't realize it at the time, but the "helpful community member" I mentioned who had the GitHub repository with a ton of CD1 queries was in attendance: @reynlds! Thank you, Mark, for putting all of that together and really being the inspiration for us wanting to create something similar for CD2.

Canvas Data 2 Repository

With that in mind, I'd like to propose we, as a community, utilize this Google Drive folder (let me know of any access issues, but it should be open access) to share the queries we've been able to come up with. I've started by adding the following SQL files:

  • ADQ_Last_Submission_By_Term_(EST)
  • Assignment_Submission_Download_Links_By_Course
  • Course_Enrollments_By_User

My hope is that this repository can grow into something really helpful for the data community!

Keep the Discussion Going!

"What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas" (don't blame me—quote supplied by @JenniferLash), so let's keep the conversation going! Please use this discussion to share your use cases and ask questions so we can all help each other. "A rising tide lifts all boats," right? (Okay...that one was on me.)