Print or PDF Discussions

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There is much about the Discussions redesign that works really well - I think it's easier for students to make discussion posts and reply. However, for grading purposes, there is no option but to actively view and scroll through the Canvas pages. Previously, I was able to print to PDF that would include the post and all comments. Now, I can only print or PDF what is actively being viewed on my screen, meaning: if there's any content below where my screen cuts off, I can't capture it for a PDF. This combined with threaded replies appearing in a pop up side menu means it is pretty much impossible to carry out this assignment as I have been for a few semesters now. 

I would love it if Canvas could add a print option to Discussion posts (including all comments), so we can have an off-screen option for reading posts and comments and grading them.

1 Solution
Community Champion

@Vincenza try this approach:

  1. use Chrome
  2. install this extension:
  3. go to inline view > expand threads
  4. activate the extension and print to pdf


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