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Community Explorer

Wow, the new discussions format is making my teaching FAR more difficult. I am a unique user in that I have 3,000-4,000 students in a single class section. Each class session has a discussion. In the old discussions format, to keep my 10-15 comments per class session in front of the students I would go into the best posts and edit them by highlighting key thoughts. I would then add my thoughts to the student post within their post using a different text color to make my comments stand out. In the old verson of Discussions, I could then Like that student's post and it would stay on the first page of 20-30 pages of posts by selecting "Sort posts by Likes" in the discussion set up. Now, there is no way to keep the most interesting posts based on Likes at the top of the list of posts (whether I comment on them or not). 

Along with that, now the replies to posts are very hard to see that they are replies. We now have a slightly smaller font rather than indented replies. And the default setting is to collapse the replies. Students don't bother to click open that button to see the replies. The energy of the discussions now gone. This desperately needs to be fixed.


  • Reinstate, Sort by Likes
  • Indent replies
  • Provide a teacher controled option to show replies as the default - no collapsing of threads

Basically, roll back the old system.....

  • One more thing, the inability to count and call up all of a student's posts during the semester is a big problem. Our IT team created a program that lets me do this, but it should be a basic feature. I assign credit based on participation only, so I have to be able to count the number of posts and replies. It is also super important to be able to pull up a student's full list of posts at once to be able to talk with them about their ideas rather than searching for their name is every single discussion.


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