How do I create a new user role for my institution's Elevate K-12 Analytics account?
As an admin you may be able to create custom user roles for your institution's Elevate K-12 Analytics account. User roles determine a user's access to data and features within Elevate K-12 Analytics. By default, Elevate K-12 Analytics includes an Administrator user role, which grants access to all features and all of your institution's data. You may wish to create custom roles for specific user types at your institution. For example, you can create custom user roles for teachers at your institution that allows them to view data for students in their courses. They can then use the Elevate K-12 Analytics data to identify and support students.
Open Administration Page
In the Navigation Menu, click the Admin link.
Open Roles
In the Security Management Navigation Menu, click the Roles link [1], or on the Security Management Overview page you can click the Roles link [2].
Add New Role
Click the New Role button.
Add General Role Information
In the General section, add the following user role information:
- Role code [1]: the code used by your student information system to recognize and correctly distribute data to users with the role.
- Role name [2]: the name for the user role. This name displays in Elevate K-12 Analytics.
By default, user roles are enabled in your account. To disable a user role, click the Disable toggle [3]. Users assigned to a disabled user role can only access Elevate K-12 Analytics Support.
This section also displays the following additional information about the role:
- Role type [4]: the method for the role's creation. Manually created roles display a User Created role type.
Set Modules Access
In the Modules section you can determine the role's access to Elevate K-12 Analytics features. These settings determine which options display in the user's Elevate K-12 Analytics Navigation Menu. By default, all modules options are set to Not Available.
Select the role's access to charts and dashboards in Elevate K-12 Analytics using the Visuals drop-down menu [1]. Menu options include Not Available, View, Create and View, and Create, View, and Publish.
Select the role's acces to watchlists using the Watchlists drop-down menu [2]. Menu options include Not Available, Create and View, and Create, View, and Publish.
To allow users with the role to view student scorecards and the Perspectives navigation link, click the Scorecards toggle [3].
To allow users with the role to explore, filter, and disaggregate student data, click the Data Explorer toggle [4].
Select the role's account administration permissions using the Administration drop-down menu [5]. Menu options include Not Available, Administer Users, Administer Users and Settings, and Administer All.
Set Data Authorization Access
In the Data Authorization section you can select which data users with the user role can view.
To grant users with the role access to view academic data for students at your institution, click the Academics checkbox [1].
To determine the scope for the displayed data, click the Scope drop-down menu [2]. Menu options include All (No Student PII), All, School, Teacher, and Grade Level. Based on the scope, Elevate K-12 Analytics automatically identifies the subset of students available. You can learn more about scope for user roles.
The School and Grade Level roles use information in the imported User File to identify the specific scope of the user. If more complex scope configurations are required, this information can be provided in the UserAccess file instead.
Save Role
Click the Save button.
View Created Notification
When the role saves successfully, Elevate K-12 Analytics displays a Created notification.