How do I sort, filter, and group a data table?
In Elevate K-12 Analytics, data source tables display all data associated within the data set. However, you can modify the data view using the data table sort, filter, and group options.
Learn more about viewing data sources and using the Data Table Tools Menu.
Open Administration Page
In the Navigation Menu, click the Admin link.
Open Data Source Table Menu
To view a data source table menu, click the data source name link.
Open Data Source Table
To view a table, locate the table in the menu and click the table name link [1].
To filter the table list, enter text in the Filter Tables field [2].
Sort Displayed Data
To sort the data in the table, locate the column header you want to use to sort the data. Click the header [1]. You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.
Sorted columns display an arrow icon [2].
Note: You can only sort a data table by one column at a time.
Filter Displayed Data
To filter the data table results, locate the column header for the data you want to sort.
Click the column Filter icon [1]. Then select a filter option [2]. Enter the filter parameters in the Filter field [3].
Note: You can only apply one filter to a column at a time. However, you can apply filters to multiple columns at one time.
Remove Filter
To remove a filter, click the Remove Filter icon.
Group Table by Column
To view table results grouped by header, click and drag the header to the Drag a column header and drop it here field [1]. The header displays at the top of the table [2].
By default, grouped results display in descending order. To sort the results in ascending order, click the Sort icon [3]. To remove the header from the group, click the Remove icon [4].
Note: You can group table results using multiple headers.