How do I use the Watchlist sidebar?

Watchlists display and allow you to track key metrics for selected students in Elevate K-12 Analytics. When viewing a watchlist, you can use the sidebar to perform actions such as editing, renaming, or publishing. You can also see more information about the watchlist.

Open Sidebar

Click the Tools menu icon [1]. View the sidebar [2].

View Actions

View Actions

Use the options in the Actions section to do any of the following:

  • Edit [1]: If you created the watchlist, open the watchlist to make changes.
  • Create snapshot [2]: Create a static watchlist from a dynamic watchlist using the current set of included students. Provide a name for the new watchlist.
  • Rename [3]: Give the watchlist a new name. If the watchlist is published, the new name displays for users to whom the watchlist is published.
  • Delete [4]: Delete the watchlist. You are prompted to confirm this action, since it cannot be undone.
  • Publish [5]: If you are an administrator, give others access to view the watchlist.
  • Send to [6]: Print the watchlist, save it as a PDF, or export it to Microsoft Excel.

View Watchlist Information

View Watchlist Information

To see more details about the watchlist (such as its type, its creation date, and its last calculated date), review the Information section of the sidebar.

View Configuration Criteria

View Configuration Criteria

To see the criteria used for determining which students are on the watchlist, review the Configuration section.