[Archived] August 2021 AB Insights Newsletter

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
The Elevate Newsletter has been discontinued. While this resource is still valuable to Community members, please evaluate the content to ensure its accuracy.
AcademicBenchmarksInstructure_Color-02.png AUGUST 2021
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Support Update

You can now easily access current and previous versions of the AB Connect Insights newsletter on the Academic Benchmarks blog on Canvas Community.

Product Update

Introducing Curated Crosswalks!

Common Core and NGSS initially brought a significant amount of similarity among State Standards. However, over time there has definitely been a diverging trend. We’ve seen it and we know you’ve seen it. One of our most requested solutions in recent years has been an ability to crosswalk standards beyond our Derivative data. We listened, and have spent the past several months curating Crosswalks between several key states and all other US Authorities. We’re delivering these standards relationships, defined between standards having one or more common skills, through our API in our Professional Edition.

In the next few months we will release an application that makes use of these new relationships. Please contact AB Support ABSupport@certicasolutions.com to learn how these new relationships can work for you or to request a demo of our future app.

What's New With Standards This Month

Standards Released

Upcoming Standards

  • You can view the List of Standards released by month. Download the Obsolete List to view standards marked obsolete for Q2, or visit the Canvas Community to learn about previously released standards.

    To learn more about these updates, contact us at absupport@certicasolutions.com.