Instructure Conferences and Events

Instructure Live

Join and host live events hosted by other users and Instructure employees

More thoughtful, inclusive class discussions (for free!) with Kialo on Canvas

New York: Drive Improvement on the NYSTP and Regents with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

Illinois: Drive Improvement on the IAR with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

Georgia: Drive Improvement on the Georgia Milestones with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

Wisconsin: Drive Improvement on the Wisconsin Forward Exam with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

APAC - Instructure New and Next: Product Updates

Beyond Detection: Addressing Plagiarism at Its Source with Instructional AI

Pennsylvania: Drive Improvement on the PSSA with Accurate Predictions of Student Performance

Canvas Klatch - February 28

Enhancing Student Engagement with Canvas and Poll Everywhere: A Panel Discussion Featuring Distinguished Educators from Top Universities

Canvas Klatch - February 19

Instructure Community Developers Group - February Meetup

Canvas Klatch - February 13

Texas CanvasConnect at the University of Houston - Downtown

Canvas Klatch - February 5

Instructure New and Next: Product Updates for Business and Government