How to generate observer codes as free user?

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Hi all,

I'm trialling Canvas with my classes as part of a school-wide discussion on "Do we use this platform?" The killer feature for me is parent visibility of work. However, I've tried every guide I can find and I don't seem to be able to find observer codes for the students in my course. Help please!

See attached, "link observer" simply isn't there as an option.

Addendum: I made a fake student account and students can access their own pairing codes.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


So with a free account, you are unable to generate pairing codes for your parents, that's a paid account admin feature only.


What you need to do with a free account is have the students go on their canvas account, click the 'Account' button on the global navigation bar (the bar on the left side of the screen) then click Settings. After that, over to the right of their screen should be a button called Pair With Observer. Once they click that, a code will generate for the parent. The parent has to download the Canvas Parent app on their phone, create an account, then add that pairing code that the student has provided to them.

Students must be in a course with a STUDENT role in order for the pair with observer button to appear in their settings.

Hope this helps, please reach out with any questions.


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