Updated Acceptable Use Policy and Canvas Free-for-Teacher


Hello, Canvas Free-for-Teacher users!

First, many congratulations on getting through this most challenging school year! We hope that your Canvas Free-for-Teacher use has helped connect your courses and classrooms and that your instruction and learning were made easier using our free tools. But most of all, we hope that you are safe and well during this challenging period.

Despite the increased Canvas usage during the pandemic, our team will always continue to offer a free version of Canvas to instructors. Moreover, over the next several months, we are actively working to improve your experience, with the goal to make Free-for-Teacher as self-driven as possible. Particularly for new Free-for-Teacher users, we want to make the setup process robust and comprehensive so everyone can enjoy Canvas.

Additionally, Instructure is implementing a new Free-for-Teacher Acceptable Use Policy. Among the updates, you’ll note that accounts will be deleted upon 6 months of inactivity. This policy encourages activity on our platform and maintains our ability to cater to active users. Please view the link for full information.

Thank you again for your continued engagement with Canvas Free-for-Teacher. Please visit the Free-for-Teacher user group in the Canvas Community for more information.