delete Canvas account/change account type

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Hi! I would like some help to delete my account or change my account type from "teacher" to "student". I accidentally registered a teacher account, but what I need is a student one. Could you help me solve this problem? Thanks!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @KeqingWU ,

It actually doesn't matter what account type you register with. The only difference is if you register as a teacher you get a course when you first sign up, and as a student you input a join code to join the course.

You're still able to join other courses as a student using a join code, which your teacher would have to provide you with a unique URL. You are also able to delete the course that was given to you upon sign up, if you don't want it. However, with FFT (and really all of canvas generally speaking), as long as you're enrolled as a student in the course you're supposed to be a student for, then no issues will occur.

I hope this helps!

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