k12.instructure.com vs. canvas.instructure.com Issues

Community Member

In my school, one teacher created a free account under canvas.instructure.com. Another (me) under k12.instructure.com. Students have randomly landed in each of these two places depending on whose class they had first.

In theory, this can work because the system tries to sort it out for the user. In practice, it doesn't work. It's very fragile. And troubleshooting is a nightmare. Students randomly lose access. Attempts to change passwords fail and lock students out without a working reset process.

I'd like to get everyone who is not on canvas.instructure.com onto it. (This is only about 15 students and 1 teacher I think.) Ideally, we could delete/remove all remnants of k12.instructure.com from these user accounts, such that we would get an error message if someone tried to use k12.

Is this possible? How can one go about getting all students onto the same one-and-only system?


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