Get Notified Right Away About a Course 'Content Link Error'

Community Contributor

This CanvasTip actually came from one of my faculty and I thought it was definitely worth sharing.

In a user's account Notification preferences, there's an option under Alerts called Content Link Error. I never paid much attention to it but if you hover your mouse over it, it explains this preference will notify an instructor the location and content of a broken link that a student has interacted with inside a course. The default setting for this preferences is Daily, which may be fine but I suggest changing it to Right away instead.

Content link error notification preference

Think about it: if you're teaching a course and a student tries to access something and is presented with an error, how do you think that student will feel? My guess is probably annoyed . If you were notified right away about this and could potentially fix it in a matter of minutes, you could help avoid any further headaches for your students. 

Below is a link to the help guide in Google Doc form:

Get Notified Right Away About a Course 'Content Link Error'


How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as an instructor?

How do I add contact methods to receive Canvas notifications as an instructor?

Please share if this is helpful!