Paper Pumpkin - Fresh Flipped Prince

Community Champion

     Now, this is a story all about how,

my life got flipped-turned upside down.

        And I'd like to take a minute,

              so just sit right there;

  I'll tell you how I became the prince

           of a town called Bay-lor.

Flipped classrooms are nothing new to world of higher education, but they aren't nearly as ubiquitous as they should be.  Since Canvas uses LTI standards to integrate with hundreds of third-party applications, we recently integrated Kaltura into every course in Canvas.  Now, recording short lectures online is as easy as one-click!  Instructors can spend quality class time evaluating, expanding on, and re-visiting information with students who come to class already prepared.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

WillSmith.jpgI see what you did there.  Nice!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Oh, that song's going to be in my head all day! (Not the worst earworm to have. Smiley Happy)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


That's great to hear you are leveraging the openness of Canvas to enable teachers to employ non-traditional teaching methods!

I'd love to see you come back and follow up with how this new initiative has worked for your institution!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you for that Carlton gif, Deactivated user​! I've got a new earworm resonating in my head.