Social Media in Canvas

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi all.  I was thrilled to hear yesterday that my proposed InstructureCon session was approved.  I will be speaking on Integrating Social Media in Canvas.  I gave a similar webinar recently at my institution where I discussed various platforms:

  • Twitter (chats, feeds, hashtags, etc.)
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Collaborative platforms (Prezi, Sway, Mix, O365, Wiki, Blogs)

We discussed a bit of learning theory and research, but for #InstCon I would like to focus the presentation more on a show and tell approach, demonstrating and showcasing examples of effective social media integration into Canvas.


I would love to hear from you regarding how you effectively integrate social media into Canvas.  It would be great to get involvement from the Canvas Community as I prepare the content for the presentation.  I'll even put a slide up of everyone's avatar and discuss the crowd-sourced nature of the content.  Smiley Wink  Many thanks!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Congratulations snufer‌! To help you get started I'll say that I make extensive use of YouTube in my online and hybrid courses. I teach Statistics and use SnagIt to make quick and dirty videos showing students how to work out problems or to use the different software we use and then can just as quickly upload it to YouTube and embed it in my course! Quick, easy, and high impact when it comes to helping students understand concepts! Smiley Happy

Community Champion

How exciting, snufer‌! I can't go to InstructureCon ever (no travel support for adjuncts at my school), so I hope you will share your presentation materials online somehow too; that sounds great! Do you have materials from your webinar...?

I've got a Twitter4Canvas workshop here:


And I'm doing a presentation at my school's local CanvasFest at the end of this month; I'll be collecting those materials in an open Canvas course; details here:

Favorite Tools/Sites for EMBEDDING in Canvas Pages 

Right now they are just stub pages, but with links that lead to places where I've written up documentation of various kinds. It's Spring Break right now, but when I get back home this weekend I'll be doing some more work on that.

I do my own classes in the open via a student blog network, but the great thing about dynamic content is that it works inside Canvas just as it does inside blogs and wikis.

I'm excited to see what people will do with the ideas you share in your presentation!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Awesome!  I often provide students feedback via screencast and use screencast-o-matic to capture it, then upload it as a media file in speedgrader.  

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks, laurakgibbs‌.  I'm sorry about not making it to InstCon.  It's one of my two favorite conferences, but they do a great job of putting the videos up online.

Thank you for sharing those resources.  I do have some sources from my webinar that I can share.  It doesn't look like I can add an attachment to this comment, but you can download it here:

Social Media in Online Learning.pptx - Box 

The slides probably won't make much sense without the narrative, but if you'd like you can watch the recording here:

Social Media in Online Learning - YouTube 

As I mentioned, that webinar had a bit of research, learning theory, and scholarly context.  For InstCon I will only be doing a demonstration/show and tell. 

Community Champion

Oh, thank you so much, snufer‌ - excellent! I have only limited computer access right now at my dad's, but I will enjoy watching/exploring your webinar stuff when I get home.

On the learning theory side, I'm trying to round up people who might be interested in a Connected Learning Group here at the Community. Would you be interested? That's the angle of social media that I like best: the connecting. Scott Dennis had told me they look for around 20 upvotes or so to create a group, so I am shamelessly seeking interested people! 🙂

Canvas for Everyone: Connecting and Sharing – Teaching with Canvas 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Definitely.  You can also invite  @tstott ‌ as well, as he works with me and is interested in beginning his canvas community connections.  

Community Champion

Super! Thanks for the connection, and hello  @tstott ‌ ... welcome to the Community here; my school just switched to Canvas, and having access to the collective experience of the Canvas Community has been my favorite part of this whole process. 🙂

Community Member

Hello, laurakgibbs. Thanks for the welcome! I'm happy to connect and look forward to joining your Connected Learning Group. Where can I go to give the group proposal an upvote? 

Community Champion

Thanks,  @tstott ‌! Friends of Connected Learning unite! Here's the link 🙂 

Community Champion

Hi snufer‌! Just an update to say that my materials for the local presentation on social media embedded in Canvas is more-or-less ready to go now:

Laura PAINTs Canvas 

I'm still tinkering, but each tool has some documentation and a live example there. I'm curious what items will most interest the faculty at our Canvas PAINT Fest week after next. 🙂

embedded tools

Community Coach
Community Coach

laurakgibbs‌, this is amazing. You are doing some fantastic work at your institution. 

Community Champion

Thank you! I am glad it can be useful... and as for me, I'm just having fun. I've been playing with these kinds of tools for years... and Canvas is my first chance to share what I've learned on an LMS platform. All those years on D2L I could never connect to the other faculty at my school by showing them what I was doing. Now I can! 

I hope there will be some other good demo materials from our campus event. I'll be sure to share those here too. I'm really curious to see what the other presentations will be; there's not a schedule yet that I've seen. 

Community Champion

Matt Champagne, with Screencast-O-Matic, says they are looking to partner with somebody to fully understand scenarios and test implementation for integrating Canvas & Screencast-O-Matic.  I am not sure if he want me to share his email here, but if you or someone that reads this is interested, let me know and I will pass the contact info on to him (and I'll get out of the way).


Community Coach
Community Coach

Actually, we are early in a couple of initiatives to increase video presence in a couple of our programs, including both screencast and webcam. Feel free to pass my info - I think we're in a good position to help. 

Community Novice

Thank you, Sean! I am doing research this semester on the effectiveness of social media in improving student engagement. Ideally, I am trying to determine what impact, if any, the use of these tools and subsequent improvement in engagement has on student grades. This is exactly what I am looking for! Again, thanks!

Community Champion

"Flow Flow" is what I would call a Social Media Aggregator.  There is a WordPress plugin Flow-Flow — WordPress Social Stream Plugin by looks_awesome | CodeCanyon  but I think I've seen that it can be developed outside of WordPress.  *I found that I could create a "full screen width" WP page and embed the Flow Flow output into it.  That way you could embed that page into a Canvas page and have a really slick multi-Social Media wall.  **I first came across this Social Media Wall idea when visiting MIT Connect | Massachusetts Institute of Technology  .

Free-Learning Conference | Center for Academic Excellence  I don't recall the session title or leader, but one of them was discussing her success of using Facebook to generate active course groups.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks  @bgibson