Allow partial credit for "incomplete" grade


Is it possible to add a setting that allowed the "incomplete" grade to get half credit.

I grade all homework as "complete" or "incomplete". If the student only does half the problem and I give them an incomplete, they earn no points and are penalized. For example, if an assignment is worth 10 points and the student does half and gets an incomplete, they have 0/10. But if the student does not do the assignment at all, it doesn't hurt their grade at all! Can there be a feature that allows "incomplete" to be half, so the student would get 5/10 for an incomplete instead of 0/10?

Thank you. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @KerenZaks -

Thanks for sharing your Idea!

While it may take a little time to set up, I wonder if adding a rubric would help you accomplish the different scores for your students. 

When you create an assignment, you can still select complete/incomplete. However, if you create a rubric (with a breakdown of the criterion you can click or free form comments), those scores will be recorded in the gradebook while the student, observer(s), and you see the complete/incomplete status. If you click the Use this rubric for assignment grading checkbox when setting up the rubric, the score and assignment status will automatically be recorded.

How do I add a rubric to an assignment? 

Once you explore this option, let the Community know how it goes! We can always fine-tune this idea together too.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @KerenZaks -

I'm checking back! Were you able to try adding a rubric alongside your complete/incomplete display for students? If so, how'd it go?

We know life can get busy, yet if we don't hear from you by March 18, we will archive this thread so we can better focus on current requests. Thanks!

Community Member

Hi Kristin! I tried it and to be honest, I didn't like it. Even with a rubric, and getting say a 1/2, the assignment was marked "complete". My students have a habit of not reading comments. I don't think they would even notice they only got half credit. I noticed that there is an option to automatically give a reduced grade if an assignment is late. I wish there was a similar setting for the complete/incomplete grade setting. But I understand that is probably a massive task on the back end. Thank you for checking back in. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open

I really appreciate your response (and for trying the rubric option!). Let's Open the Idea for conversation. I hope other educators can join the discussion and help form this concept further.

Community Explorer

I believe this is also what I was looking for with a slight variation (sorry to hijack the thread):

Just to confirm, I believe what @KerenZaks is referring to is "Display grade as" field and she selects the Complete/incomplete option instead of points or percentages. I too like this for select simple assignments and also wish there were additional simple options to pick from that adjusted the grade accordingly as I too have students that don't notice comments or rubric selections:

  • Complete = full points (green check ✓)
  • Incomplete = 1/2 points (yellow/orange exclamation or triangle ⚠) 
  • Deficient = evidence of it being turned in, but 0 points (i.e. turned in blank, all wrong, plagiarism / cheating, ...) (Red X or circle ⬤ / ◯)
  • Missing = Not turned in & 0 points (black X)

Note 1: if you need to keep Incomplete as 0 points so as to not effect previously existing assignments, it is not optimal but the sequence could be Complete / Partial / Incomplete / Missing


Note 2: It would also be OK (with me at least) if what I describe was just a new selectable option within the "Display grade as" field that was in addition to the Complete/incomplete option in order to not have impacts on prior assignments that already have Complete/incomplete graded.

Community Novice

This would be a great feature to have. I, too, wish there was an option for half credit on the complete/incomplete option. That would make so much more sense.  

Community Member

I came here to recommend this. I would like an option such as Partial or Deficient (as mentioned above) and to be able to assign partial credit when using Incomplete/Complete.

Community Novice

There should be a way to assign partial credit for an incomplete grade. Adding a rubric does not address this issue.

Status changed to: Archived
Comments from Instructure

As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.