Assignment Due Dates by Groups


In the time of Covid, and alternating due dates for assignments (Lab reports in particular), it would be extremely beneficial to be able to set assignment due dates by Groups, rather than needing to individually select all the people in each of the groups for the separate due dates.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


Thanks for sharing this idea. Instructors can follow the directions in How do I assign an assignment to a course group? to assign to a specific group. Groups in Canvas are primarily designed for collaborative activities, so with this in mind, our members are actively discussing an enhancement to assign-by-group: Assign to by Group for Individual Assignment. That sounds like what you're hoping to achieve here.

In light of the existing Canvas functionality and active conversation, we've marked the idea for archival. As you're working through the process we hope you will post any questions that might arise to our Question Forum.

Thanks again! Stay safe, and stay well. 🙂


Thanks! Stay safe, and stay well.