Common announcement to all my classes

i teach five different classes (classes, not sections! ) and I have an announcement to make to all my classes. Currently, the only way seems to be - make the announcement five times, once in each class.


Shouldn't I be able to make it once, for all my classes?

Note from the Community Team: We are aligning this with a very similar idea," modifiedt....

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I have to second Kona's comment. Great use of RSS  @bgibson ​!

Just this week, we were discussing Announcements as a kind of object in Canvas that might be worth treating the same way we treat Discussions and Assignments. If we were to pursue that path, we could potentially support a scenario where teachers could create Announcements in one area, which are then fed into separate courses the same way managed content might be. This is part of some long-term planning and discussion going on, so I can't give any timelines. And this certainly isn't something we will address in the next six months. But it is a great idea and one we will continue to explore.

Community Participant

Can't upvote since votes aren't being taken right now, but I absolutely SECOND the need for this feature. Again, something I was accustomed to doing on my old LMS for numerous situations. Having to copy and paste in all classes is inconvenient. Thanks.

Community Participant

Very clever. Thank you.

Community Champion


The following creates a good looking RSS feed in a Canvas page:

RSS feed widget free from FeedWind, the best RSS widget available

Not sure it pulls a Canvas course "group" RSS feed, but does from WP.

Community Participant

I would love being able to do this!  Also, being able to post an assignment to more than one class would be super helpful and time-saving.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Champion

Yay! So many wonderful ideas being moved into their new status. :smileygrin:

Community Novice

Please Lord let this happen!!

Community Novice


Amen, to that!!!




On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 7:27 PM <>

Community Member

Well, it has been a year since Instructure said they'd explore this idea.  Any updates?  It would REALLY save time to be able to post one announcement to multiple classes. 

Community Novice

Not heard anything yet.

On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 4:49 PM <>

Community Champion

I can definitely see the need for this; I teach two classes and use the same announcements for both. That's one of the reasons why a blog-as-announcements-homepage works for me. I update the blog once, and it shows up automatically in the Canvas space for my three courses (one class has two sections). Not everybody can use all the same announcements for multiple classes; I am very glad I can do that. 🙂

Community Participant

How do you do that?  I might give that a try!

Community Participant

 @jling ‌, I think laurakgibbs means inserting an RSS link to her blog (e.g., to a Wordpress blog) in that part of Announcements where you can insert an RSS feed link. I'm not sure.

Community Champion

Hi  @jling ‌, it is possible to do RSS as  @cohenf ‌ mentioned there, but since I want the blog to actually "be" my homepage, I use an iframe so that I can make it the homepage of the Pages, and thus for the course. I did a CanvasLIVE about that with details:

Blog-as-Homepage CanvasLIVE Slides – Teaching with Canvas 

(scroll on down for the notes, links, etc.)

My classes started today! So you can see the Fall semester in action:

(that vanity URL redirects to a Canvas course; I can use the same URL over and over again, just changing for each semester)

I am a huge fan of live content streams like this: blogs, Twitter, etc. My goal is to use tools outside of Canvas while allowing that live content to show up inside. It's a POSSE thing: Publish on One Site; Syndicate Everywhere. 🙂

homepage screenshot

Community Participant

Oh, gotcha, I was not aware you could do that, thanks!

John Ling

MS Math, Health & Fitness and HS Science

Metro East Web Academy

Call/Text: 971-413-4686

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Community Champion

Redirect tool and iframe are Canvas superpowers 🙂

Community Participant

That's great, thanks Laura! I definitely am not using Canvas to it's full


John Ling

MS Math, Health & Fitness and HS Science

Metro East Web Academy

Call/Text: 971-413-4686

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Community Explorer

I strongly agree with the desire to make a common announcement to multiple classes/courses.  I'm not sure if it has been discussed or is obvious, but "all" infers to me literally all, rather than having the ability to choose amongst your courses which ones to send it to.  I vote for the second, pick and choose which ones.  Years ago I approached our Blackboard administrator about this.  Now we are just adopting Canvas and I was told my problem would be solved, but to no avail.  Please give us this functionality.  Copy and pasting gets old fast.


David Candelaria, CPA, MST
Associate Professor - Accounting
Mt. San Jacinto College, Menifee Campus

Community Novice

I'm sorry but not having this feature is madness.  I have to copy and paste an e-mail to send to multiple courses?!  I can't express my desire for this feature enough.