Connect Hidden Grade Settings in New Quizzes and Gradebook


Issue - students see grades before I am ready for them to be viewed.

Problem - in new quizzes, the instructor is given a choice in settings for the students to view or not view their test score. I always choose not view. But every semester, for every test, I have students telling me that they can see their scores. How can a setting that allows profs to hide scores allow students to see them? The answer is that I have to also go to gradebook and hide the scores. But more to the point it is Canvashas too many people involved in designing the different features of their platform. If a prof indicates in the settings of the new quiz environment that he/she does not want the scores shown, certainly it cannot be too much for tech support to program some code that will not allow the score to show up in grade book. And before you say, well why don't you do it yourself?  My answer - I have far too many programs to manage to remember every idiosyncratic thing about platforms/websites. Tech support needs to do the logical thing here. Fix this issue. It really must be quite simple. I have two thoughts: 1) coding (if a professor checks off on the do not show box in settings then the gradebook setting is changed to manual mode for grade posting and 2) add a sentence in the settings - "If you wish for the students to not see their scores then you also must change the gradebook settings from automatic to manual posting."

Simple fix. Please do it.

Community Member

I agree, at least there should be a warning if the Canvas Quiz people cannot manage to talk to the Gradebook people.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

Absolutely. This should be done yesterday.

Status changed to: Archived
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