[Course Import/Export] Enhance Course Copy of a Blueprint Course includes Blueprint Course settings

Idea is currently in development

Problem statement:

The copy course functionality does not seem to consider whether or not the course being copied is a blueprint course. All blueprint settings are gone in the newly created course. We need to copy courses that have the "Enable course as a Blueprint Course" checkbox checked. From a Blueprint Courses' settings page, whether we use "Copy this Course", or Export and Import into a new course, we see that the new course is not a blueprint, nor does it have any of the Blueprint Course Settings from the original.

Proposed solution:

When copying a blueprint, or exporting/importing content into a blueprint, can the following settings be included? (They currently are not and we have to manually set them term over term which consumes a lot of time and resources):

  • Locked content within the modules section (we have to manually lock items after importing)
  • In Settings the general locked objects (For example: content, points, due dates, availability dates). Anything locked in the previous version must be locked again after being copy/imported.
  • Time zone value (unrelated to blueprint setting, but this is another setting not included in imports


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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: In Development
  Comments from Instructure


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