Date Range for Exams, Assigments, Syllabus, etc.

Dr. Wright, Southeastern Community College instructor, communicated with me about the following idea:

Canvas currently provides the student with a specific "date" of when an assignment, exam, etc. are due.   In many cases, the student has a time range to complete an exam, assignment, etc.  It would be nice if the Canvas LMS showed the "date range" for an exam or assignment.

For example, if a student had from June 7  to June 9 to take an exam, it would be nice if the Canvas system showed that date range instead of ...just June 9 at 11:59 am as the deadline.  It would also be efficient if the syllabus listed the date ranges for due dates instead of just the deadline.


Chuck Chrisman

VP of Technology Services
Iowa Community College Online Consortium



Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks,  @cchrisman ‌. Your faculty might also be interested in this closely-related idea focused on New Quizzes and the to-do list: 

Community Member

I would also like the option to enter a due date range for some assignments (most could have the current single due date).  For example, if I plan to spend Tuesday and Thursday on a particular chapter, I often have chapter readings and quizzes due Tuesday before class, but completion before Thursday's class is acceptable.  Currently, I set the earlier due date and don't apply any late deductions - it's not really a solution. I want the assignments to be available beyond this time for the students who don't get around to it until near exam time!

Re Stefanie (community team), the available from date would be separate in this scenario, since the assignment would be available at least one week before.  

Community Member

I make quizzes and some projects due on Fridays and this ends the week of instruction. I allow students to complete the quiz/project BY SUNDAY of that week. I have to manually remove the LATE heading when grading. I  would like a DUE DATE RANGE OPTION that would allow work to be DUE 2/22-2/24 for example.