[Groups] Re-arranging student groups and group sets so they aren't in alphabetical order


I am requesting that Canvas introduce a feature where instructors can re-arrange the order of student groups and group sets so that they aren't always in alphabetical order. By default, the groups sets will  appear in alphabetical order but this is not always relevant. Instructors should be able to determine the order that the groups appear in the 'People' area for easier access for both instructors and students. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open

Hi! Thank you for sharing this idea with the Community!

You may also be interested in: Allow students to add/star groups to group menu 

Community Member

This! I would also like the option to make certain group sets or groups NOT visible to students, such as group assignment groups. I have a large class with eight sections that I crosslisted into one to make it easier to do assignments/quizzes/etc. But when I assigned their groups, I have 40 assigned groups, and I don't feel it necessary for all of the students to see all of those groups. These 40 groups also come before the 8 groups I DO want my students to see, and even though they can search for these later groups, I still wish I had the option to hide the first 40 from the students.

Status changed to: Archived