Late Grade: Maximum % deduction, NOT minimum grade


Problem: While I like the option of an automatic grade deduction for late assignment, as it currently works, the only way to put a "floor" on a late grade is by setting a "lowest possible grade percent."  When I set this to 50%, students with very late work will receive the same grade whether they get 100% correct or 50% correct.  The student who is very late and gets 50% correct actually receives no deduction for being late.

Solution: Allow the option to set a "maximum percent deduction."  In this I could set all very late assignments to be worth half their original value so that 100% accuracy would become 50%, and 50% accuracy would become 25%, but no late assignment would receive less than half it's original value.

Status changed to: Archived
Community Member
Problem statement:

Our district has a policy that states that no grade can be lower than 50%, regardless of whether the student did the assignment or not. While I am using the feature that automatically applies a minimum score for missing assignments, this is not always sufficient. For example, if a student takes a quiz and gets 49% or below, that is the score recorded, making it necessary for me to change this.  The bigger problem arises when I use external tools. For example, Actively Learn allows me to upload the grades into Canvas, but missing assignments are scored as zero in their system, which makes it necessary for me to change all the zeros to fifties, which I have to do every time I upload the grades.  I have 264 students and changing zeros to fifties is becoming a huge ordeal. Help!

Proposed solution:

This would be so much easier if Canvas had a tool that allowed instructors to set a minimum grade. This could be similar to the tool that allows us to set a minimum score for missing assignments. 

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