Start Canvas from scratch


Many of your online programs/websites are severely lacking. Here are some observations below. Not meant to be personal. These are my opinions only. 

This entire platform is so clunky and un-user friendly.

The mail system is absolutely horrible. Please outsource to a real email service

The amount of different programs you require us students to use is ridiculous. Integrate the programs together into one easy platform, where we can do everything in one place. (examples: canvas, myFIU dashboard, everfi, fiu application, and others) 

I feel like I am using pre Windows 2000 software or browsing on the web with NetScape from the 90s when I am using Canvas.

Either invest considerably more talent/money into your IT department, or just do a complete reboot of a system that is based on coding from this millenia (2000+). 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


Thanks for your observations about Canvas and your school applications. We're always grateful for feedback on the platform, good and bad. However, the Idea Conversations forum is designed to accommodate singular requests for a specific enhancement to an existing feature in Canvas itself. Broad, high-level suggestions for a complete overhaul of the learning management system and school applications will be more effective when presented to the Canvas admin and/or eLearning department for your school. The FIU-specific applications you've mentioned are not part of Canvas, and we don't have a role in what the university requires its students to use or how they're accessed. 

In addition, the Canvas admin has regular conversations with their Instructure CSM (Customer Success Manager) and can take your suggestions about Canvas itself into consideration from a philosophical perspective.

You mentioned MyFIU, so I looked through the links on that site and found this contact method: Contact OneStop | OneStop | Florida International University  

Should you decide you'd like to request an enhancement to a specific Canvas feature that will make it easier for you to use Canvas itself as a student, please feel free to come back to the forum after reading through How do I create a new idea conversation in the Canvas Community?

Community Member

Thank you for the detailed response, @Stef_retired. I will end up putting together a more "formal" ideas and complaints paper about the system to your board and my FIU representative with the links you provided me. 

I realize now that Canvas itself is used for many different colleges, not only FIU so the specific programs I mentioned were a mistake. The rest of my points are valid, however. The crude wording isn't meant to offend, but to wake people up from complacency. 

I am sure that I am not the only one as well. I just have the will to say my issues with it instead of complaining in the background. 

Have a lovely day.