Submission Checkmark and Points Earned Viewable in Module View


As a student, I would like to be able to view "points earned" while in the Module view (if something has been graded) or a "submission confirmation" while in the Module view (if something is submitted but not yet graded).

As an instructor, I would like these features for my students so that it is more convenient to check their grades as they are moving through the course.

Both of these (related) features would save time by reducing the amount of clicking around, back and forth between Assignments, Discussions, Modules and the Grades zone.

Suggested based on current view:

Due date   Points Available    Submitted Checkmark (or blank)      Points Earned

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating

@conni_carr Thanks for sharing these ideas. Some of this is already possible using existing Canvas functionality. When an instructor places requirements on module items, the student will see an indicator upon submission consistent with the requirement. For example, if the instructor places a "Submit the assignment" requirement on an assignment, the student will see a check mark upon submitting the assignment. This is detailed for instructors in  How do I add requirements to a module? - Canvas Community and for students in How do I view Modules as a student? - Canvas Community

Would you please edit the idea so that is specific to the request to include "points earned"?

Community Member

I actually mean in the Module view of the course where you see a progression from Module to Module...see is unfortunate that to see a submission checkmark that an instructor MUST include the requirements and restrictions for progression in a Module.  I have issues with that functionality in my courses that I run because as we teach LIVE and synchronously, I often want students to be able to access LATER pages even before prior assignments are done.

I am the student in the case below.

I have submitted all visible assignments/discussions/quizzes.

My instructor has already graded all of these or they have been auto-graded.

Under each score-able item, it currently shows Due Date and Points Available. I would like to see the submission checkmark (at least until graded) and/or, more importantly, the Points Earned on this line as well once the auto-grading is complete or the instructor posts a score.

I would like to see a green checkmark follow the points available if an assignment is confirmed as submitted and/or a points earned score after that when the assignment has been graded.I would like to see a green checkmark follow the points available if an assignment is confirmed as submitted and/or a points earned score after that when the assignment has been graded.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@conni_carr As an instructor, you can use the requirement functionality without requiring students to complete all of the assignments in order. From the student's standpoint, the instructor would need to add the requirements so that their students can see the checkmarks.

If you'd like to put the ability to add the checkmark into the hands of students, there's a conversation open for this: Let students mark as "return to" - Canvas Community  But again, for it to be automatic, the instructor would have to incorporate requirements into the module design.

We'll archive this idea in light of the existing functionality available to instructors and the conversation already underway, but if you'd like to submit a new idea that requests that "Points Earned" be added next to the due date and points possible, please write it as a new submission after reading through How do I create a new idea conversation in the Canvas Community?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@conni_carr Here's another active conversation you might want to support: Task "Check Off" in Modules - Canvas Community