To be able to Rotate an image inside the Rich Content Editor.

Idea is currently in development

It would be nice to be able to rotate an image once you get them into the rich content editor. Some pictures that you take with your phone and upload into canvas will show up rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees, and there is no way to rotate the image back clockwise 90 degrees.
Community Explorer

Second this feature please. Not every picture viewing/editing program even works with the dumb open-save workaround. So on top of having to go through the tedious process of opening each file and then saving it, I have to also make sure to right-click and open with a program I've discovered through trial and error will fix the rotation issue. This is a giant and needless PITA; tons of extra clicks. Please add this simple feature to CANVAS.

Community Member

Well, I am persistent and I finally found ANOTHER Canvas workaround. I saved the photo from my phone and inserted into a Word doc, then used the Snipping Tool, which allows you to save it as a .png. Not quick, but it finally uploaded correctly.

Community Novice

This is a must have feature - in visual arts courses the eportfolio is currently practically unusable if an idevice is used to take photos. I wonder whether Canvas is refusing to add this feature (rotation) to prevent users from adding too many images to their portfolios..? Sort it out, Canvas!

Community Novice

I do not understand why this feature has not been implemented. This is a basic function for anyone working with images. My students have to submit screenshots of computer output (among other images) and I can barely read them because half of them show up rotated. This causes all kinds of problems in the class. This is a must fix!

Community Member

I have a photo that looks perfectly fine on my computer, but when I upload it to Canvas and try to embed it in a discussion, it renders upside down. Given that it looks fine in my Windows browser, and in Photoshop, I don't know what to fix to get Canvas to display it correctly.

And I'm fairly tech-savvy. If I can't figure it out, how is a less-savvy faculty member or student going to do it?

I am trying to put together documentation to walk faculty and students through embedding images into discussions, but I ran across this snag. If Canvas can't actually come up with a fix (either resolving the problem that causes images to render inappropriately or providing simple image editing so we can fix it within the Rich Content Editor), can they please explain what needs to be fixed on the user's end to prevent this—especially in a case, like mine, where I can't obviously see where the image is upside down? 

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @foleyl ...

I know this seems a bit unnecessary, but have you tried saving your image with a different file name while in Photoshop?  Have you then tried to upload that file to see if there is any difference?  I know that sometimes when photos come off of a mobile device and are rotated incorrectly in Canvas, re-saving them and then re-uploading them seems to do the trick.

Community Member

Chris, thank you! That actually worked! 

Community Contributor

 @Chris_Hofer ‌'s PSD tip also works in Apple Preview. Inline rotating and cropping functions are but two of the reasons our Innovative Learning department sprung for #Cidi_Labs‌ Design Tools.

Community Novice

I think most people have figured out a work around for this but the issue is that it should not be necessary to fix image rotations in another app just to post a picture in Canvas. 

Community Novice

Of course there are work arounds, but my poorer students take half a semester to be able to implement them. They submit images almost every class period, and then have to fight Canvas to get them to look right so I can grade them.  I do not want them to be spending there time this way! I want them to be learning the class material! It is huge waste of their time to struggle with image rotation when this is easy to implement in software. It embarrasses me to have to tell them that Canvas has not fixed this simple issue.

Community Novice

I am very sorry to hear that this feature will not be included in the

plan for Q3 2019. The lack of this feature creates problems for the

poorest students in the class, the ones who are trying hard to succeed

and the ones we want to reach with real education. Forcing them to

spend time learning to rotated images in third-party software is just

plain stupid. This is an easy fix, which most online services have in

their standard repertory.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @kirchoff ...

I do agree that having the ability to rotate photos (especially those taken from your mobile phone) would be a great addition to the Canvas RCE.  Have you looked through some of the above links that have been suggested as work-arounds?  For example, I usually use the volume buttons on my iPhone to snap a picture to ensure that my images are rotated properly (crazy as it may sound).

This is an easy fix, which most online services have in their standard repertory.

I'm not a programmer, but "easy fix"es aren't always true.  I am basing this on the following Instructure document: What is the feature development process for Canvas?.  Specifically, take a look at the paragraphs under the heading, "If my idea doesn’t align with a priority, is it still important?".

I've had my share of frustrations with Feature Ideas I've submitted, too.  I get it.  There are some things I'd really like to see implemented in Canvas, but due to lack of Community interest, my ideas were archived to Cold Storage‌.  Yet, at the same time, Instructure has implemented a few of my ideas that I thought would never see the light of day...and even had very low votes from Community members.  So...don't lose hope.  Smiley Happy

Here are a couple resources for you to look through:

Community Novice

As usual, Canvas can't just look at an idea and realize that it obviously should be implemented. This is clearly a bug of the system that should be fixed. I rue the day our institution switched from Desire to Learn to Canvas. 

Community Novice

Seriously, how is this even a thing. It makes it impossible to use some images. FIX NOW!

Community Member

There is a work-around for using images, insert it into a document then upload. Much of what I do in Canvas falls into the work-around category. Kind of a misnomer since it always involves more work.

Community Novice

I'm having the additional problem that some of my students will posts images that they say show up correctly on their end, but on my browser they're sideways.  Even worse, in Safari, the images don't load at all in discussions, only Chrome will display images.

Community Member

As an instructor that often has students embed their own images of artworks or photos into discussions, it would be nice for students to be able to 'orient' (turn) images so that they are upright.  Currently, if the image embeds sideways, for example, the student must 'edit' the discussion post, delete the image, retake an image, and hope that the new image is oriented correctly when embedded.  Having the ability to simply click and turn an image within the post would expedite the process and would be less frustrating for students and the instructor.  Thank you

Community Member

Dear Canvas; 

I am an instructor of Basic Drawing and many other art courses in Canvas. I would really love it if Canvas could please create a way for us to "rotate" images in the 'work field' of Discussions similar to 'rotating' images in Speed Grader. 

In the "Format" option, under "directionality" the only option that exists now is, "right to left" ... and "left to right" ... very limiting and very BASIC only showing consideration and accommodation for the "Core Curriculum" (written communication courses)  areas of study. If the Art courses are going to continue being among some of the "Core Elective" options in academia, then should it not be fair to expand upon image viewing options and devise a way to rotate images in Discussions under "Format" - "Directionality" (ROTATE)???/

In the work field ribbon at the top of the workfield, under the 'edit' option, perhaps you could engineer a button to ROTATE the image much the same as rotating the image in SpeedGrader. 

Another approach would be to provide a ROTATE button under either "view" or "format" where there are several other image manipulations options. 

I believe I have requested something similar in a prior time - but - have never received any response. 

Thanks for taking my request and idea. 

Hoping to see some positive results for this - Thanks  

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Status changed to: In Development
  Comments from Instructure


This idea is In Development. While there is currently not a timeline available, please watch this thread for updates.