addition of "select all" feature for emails/messages


addition of "select all" feature for emails/messages so that we are able to batch delete messages instead of clicking through 100+ messages/emails

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived

@mckelley Thanks for sharing this idea. Fortunately, it's possible to select all conversations for a subsequent action by following the instructions in the Select Multiple Conversations section at the bottom of How do I use the Inbox as an instructor? (the process is the same for instructors and students):

  • To select all messages, click the command + A keys (Mac) or the control + A keys (Windows).
  • To select a range of messages, click the first message you want to select, hold down the Shift key, and then click the last message you want to select. All messages between the first and the last messages will be selected.

As this is existing Inbox functionality, we've archived the idea.

Community Member

@Stef_retired Thank you! I just spoke to one of your help members via chat and they told me that this wasn't a possibility and told me to post the suggestion here. Happy to hear it is already a thing! 

The select all portion of the instructions work, however, the instructions to select a range of messages does not work. This only selects the two messages that were clicked on.

Community Member

@Stef_retired Nevermind. Figured it out! It works as long as you aren't clicking on the check box. Cheers!