Improving Accessibility Through The Use Of Ally: Learn Original Instructors
What is the purpose of this campaign?
Ally accessibility tool strives to ensure digital content is inclusive towards all students, by converting course files into a variety of formats. The purpose of this campaign is to highlight how easy it is for instructors to make small but significant changes to resources to make them more accessible. Course reports are also highlighted, to show instructors how to prioritize fixes.
Tool categories
🔧 The 'Ally (Accessibility)' tool category should be toggled on to display the content of this campaign before you import it. Click here to find out how to manage tool categories in your dashboard.
Message Placement
📌 The Course Tools Menu Item 📌 Tab My Institution 📌Ally alternative formats download button
📌Ally accessibility course reports 📌Medium orange score icon 📌 View Module Page
page (Original) 📌Low accessibility score icon
Support Articles
Please note when you preview the articles, they appear all together on Blackboard help. They have been created as separate articles in your Impact support Center for your convenience.
What alternative formats does Ally generate?
Watch a video about managing Alternative formats
Watch a video about File accessibility
Learn more about accessibility with Ally (Custom Impact article)
Preview the document in the Ally feedback panel
Enable disabled alternative formats
Disabled alternative formats
Course Accessibility report
View File Accessibility
Choose what to fix first
Accessibility scores
Accessibility score icons
How can the impact of this campaign be measured?
Campaign engagement
Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign
Average tool adoption
Monitors have been placed on the following pages/elements as data points to define the use of the tool: