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Instructor Ultra release: 6th July 2022

Instructor Ultra release: 6th July 2022

What is the purpose of this campaign?

The purpose of this campaign is to proactively inform instructors about the updates to features inside the Blackboard Ultra experience from 6th July 2022.


Tool categories
 The 'Just Released' tool category should be toggled before importing the campaign on to display the content. Click here to find out how to manage tool categories in your dashboard.


Message placement

📌 View Course Outline page

Support Articles

All of the articles included in this release are custom made by Impact and cannot be previewed outside of the Dashboard 

  • Updated Panel for Messages
  • LTI Item mane change to Content Market
  • Improvements to Group Feedback and Grade Overrides
  • Quality and accessibility improvements of math formulas
  • Inline file rendering
  • Display one question at a time-Prohibit backtracking
  • Points overall grade display option
  • Description field length increased up to 750 characters
  • Multiple Choice Question type improvements
  • Recategorize graded discussions and journals
  • Conversion of Blank Pages to Ultra Documents
  • Copy question banks
  • Edit points a student earns on an assessment question
  • Grade History Download
  • Points overall grade calculation option

How can the impact of this campaign be measured?

Campaign engagement

Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign 

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