Organizing Course Material To Reduce Course Size
What is the purpose of this campaign?
Many institutions have a storage limitation, that if exceeded, can be quite costly. The purpose of this campaign is to help instructors to reduce the size of their courses. Not only will this benefit the institution as a whole, but the tips and tricks included in this campaign will ensure that instructors have more organized clean-cut courses. This in turn affects students, as efficiently navigating around a course, allows more time and space to engage with the actual content.
Tool categories
The Original courses tool category should be toggled on before you import the campaign to successfully display all of the content. Click here to find out how to manage tool categories in your dashboard.
📌 Insert local files 📌 Archive course menu item 📌 View Module page
📌 Attach file area 📌 Course content & My content 📌 Copy course
📌 New content editor
Support Articles
- Video: Delete exported files
- Reduce the size of your PowerPoint Presentation
- Proactive strategies to reduce the size of your course (no preview available)
- Manage your Content Collection
- Free tools to create video screencasts, and animations (no preview available)
- Free tools to create presentations and to share them (no preview available)
How can the impact of this campaign be measured?
Campaign engagement
Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign
Average tool adoption
Monitors have been placed on the following Impact points to provide you with insights into what instructors are doing to reduce their course size