Use Grade Center Features Effectively
What is the purpose of this campaign?
Many instructors are already using Grade Center to record and share student grades. There is a number of features that are underutilized but that could enhance the process of grading for instructors as well as providing more clarity with regard to students’ grades. The purpose of this campaign is to highlight how instructors can ensure grading accuracy, provide a realistic impression of student progress by storing all grades in one central location and how they can provide more personalized feedback with audio and video recordings.
Tool categories
🔧 The 'Grade center; Original Courses' tool category should be toggled on in your dashboard to display the content of this campaign. Click here to find out how to manage tool categories in your dashboard.
Message Placement
📌View full grade center 📌 Create grade column 📌 Create grade column page
in Gradebook button
📌Needs grading page 📌 Grade individual assignment page
Support Articles
Video: How to add audio/ video feedback to assignments (Custom Impact article)
Record Audio and Video
Manually created Grade columns
Ensuring grading accuracy (Custom Impact article)
How can the impact of this campaign be measured?
Campaign engagement
Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign
Average tool adoption
Monitors have been placed on the following Impact points to provide you with insights with regards to the adoption of the tool: