How to pull student and course analytics from Impact Messages

Community Explorer

Hello Impact Community,

We recently adopted Canvas Impact and have begun utilizing the messaging functionality. One of our main goals with Impact is to replace our current "microsurvey" process. Currently, microsurveys involve custom CSS and JS within the Canvas theme, which prompts students to complete a Qualtrics survey. The survey collects feedback on course content and format, helping our developers and designers improve course design based on student input.

However, this process is cumbersome. Every time we run a microsurvey, we need to proofread and update the CSS and JS, upload the code to a microsurvey subaccount theme, and then manually move the selected courses into that subaccount for the duration of the survey. This requires multiple teams, approvals, and hours to complete for each request. It's not scalable, as courses need to be moved individually.

We would like to use Canvas Impact to streamline this process, saving time and reducing the need for coding and manual course transfers. The challenge we’re facing is that, while Impact's message analytics show total views, we cannot pull detailed student or course information like we currently do with our custom JS. Our current setup lets us track which courses the survey responses come from, so we can analyze trends (e.g., if we receive 10 responses—7 positive, 3 negative—we can see whether the negative feedback is concentrated in one course or spread across multiple courses). This detailed feedback is critical for our surveys.

Does anyone have ideas, information, or recommendations on how we can transition this process to Canvas Impact while still being able to gather the same level of student/course-specific data?

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