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Impact Release Notes (2024-06-11)

Impact Release Notes (2024-06-11)

In this Impact release, new content for Canvas is available. Accessibility updates are implemented for Insights, Messages, and Walkthroughs.

Impact helps institutions improve technology adoption and evaluate the impact of educational technology, while helping faculty and students seamlessly navigate new platforms. Learn more about Impact by Instructure.

New Content



Campaign: Canvas Release of June 15th 2024

Template Preview

Canvas Release of June 15th 2024: Instructors

Canvas Release of June 15th 2024: Students

Launching the Canvas release campaign provides users with updates and new features in Canvas.

Note: This campaign is live on Saturday, June 15th, 2024.


Campaign: Raising Awareness of the RCE Find and Replace Plugin

Template Preview Raising Awareness of the RCE Find and Replace Plugin

This campaign raises user awareness of the RCE’s new Find and Replace plugin.

Note: This campaign is live on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024.


Walkthrough: How do I send a message to students from the Gradebook?

Template Preview Walkthrough: How do I send a message to students from the Gradebook?

This walkthrough empowers instructors with targeted messaging using the gradebook.

Note: This campaign is live on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024.


Walkthrough Updates

Updates are made to Walkthrough: Discussions Redesign topic (Instructor) of the campaign Elevate collaboration with Discussions Redesign: Instructors to reflect layout changes.

Note: To access the updated walkthrough version, import the campaign again.



A new context is available inside the Impact Dashboard.

New Context:

  • Gradebook page: student name column


Other Updates



Messages and Walkthroughs

The following are accessibility improvements to messages and walkthroughs:

  • In Walkthroughs, the Go Back to the Page button is accessible to Keyboard-only users.

  • In Walkthroughs and Messages, the Go to Hint button is accessible to Keyboard-only users.

  • In Messages, the Import Personalized Link Data dialog box contains focus.


LTI Groups

The LTI Groups resize bar text is accessible to VoiceOver users.


Fixed Bugs


  • If an Instructure Admin enables the sub-account feature for customers, the Enable sub-account level access checkbox remains checked no matter the access level.
  • In Message Insights, the Message Feedback Cumulative data displays appropriately in both Trend and Cumulative graphs.
  • Walkthrough Inline Editor displays appropriately. [Added 2024-06-17]

Change Log




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