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Impact Release Notes (2024-06-20)

Impact Release Notes (2024-06-20)

In this Impact release, accessibility updates are implemented for Messages and Walkthroughs, Account Security, Canvas Course Activity, Account Settings, and Custom User Groups.

Impact helps institutions improve technology adoption and evaluate the impact of educational technology, while helping faculty and students seamlessly navigate new platforms. Learn more about Impact by Instructure.


Other Updates



Messages and Walkthroughs

The following are accessibility improvements to messages and walkthroughs:

  • Hint Messages display ARIA roles for Screen Reader users.
  • Hint Messages contain focus when navigating with Keyboard-only and Screen Reader users.
  • A close button is defaulted for Walkthrough messages if the user does not create one.
  • On the Messages page, images under the Message type are marked as decorative and are not read to Screen Reader users.
  • The Upvote/Downvote buttons are accessible to Screen Reader users and are read Upvote/Down this item and show additional feedback options.


Account Security

On the Account Security page, the QR Code image displays an alt text with additional information and is accessible to Screen Reader users.


Canvas Course Activity

On the Canvas Course Activity page, images display an alt text with additional information and are accessible to Screen Reader users.


Account Settings

In the Account Settings modal, Screen Readers focus remains in the modal when opened.


Custom User Groups

On the Custom User Groups page, the Remove Condition button is announced to Screen Reader users.


Fixed Bugs


  • Users designated as Sub-account only have access to specific sub-account level they are assigned to. Additionally, these users can view and select the child Sub-accounts that belong to the sub-account they have access to.
  • Custom Scripts created now apply to new InstUI user-facing messages.
  • On the custom User Groups page, the text in the Delete and Edit buttons are centered.
  • After deleting a Tool Category in a master instance,  it does not appear in customer instances. Additionally, after creating a new Tool Category in a master instance, it appears in user instances.

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