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Exam Best Practices For Students

Exam Best Practices For Students

Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard, Blackboard ultra

Campaign Description: Before final exam periods, it is good to provide reminders to students about how to have the smoothest experience submitting their exams and papers online. The University of Tampa created a brief best practices hint and document to guide students through the virtual exam process.

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): The University of Tampa


Taking an Exam?

Tips for virtual exams

Location: Assignments Button on Side Panel

Audience: Students

Content Type: Hint Message


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Before taking any online exams, please check the following:
– update your browser to the latest version
– make sure you know what additional tools are being used in your exam (ex. Proctorio)
– confirm you have a steady WiFi or direct Internet connection
Good luck with your exams!


Final Exam Tips

Extended information on best practices for taking online exams.

Location: My Announcement Hint

Audience: Students

Content Type: Pop-up Message


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To provide a positive test taking experience for you when taking your final exam on Blackboard, consider these best practices (link to internal document on tips for taking online exams)

* What To Do BEFORE The Exam
* What To Do DURING the Exam
* What To Do with a Proctored Exam

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