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Migration To Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

Migration To Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra

Campaign Description: Support faculty and students in the move to the Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience

Success Criteria: Users are quickly familiar with Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation and adopt the new, more efficient workflows and features that it offers.

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Annelise Ewing Goodman on behalf of Danny from Instructure


Ultra Base Navigation is Coming!

A systray message letting all users know that their Blackboard environment will be updated to Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation.

Location: Course Home

Audience: Instructors and Students 

Content Type: systray message



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Hi {{user.first_name}},

On July 5th, 2020, we’re updating Blackboard to incorporate the new Ultra Base Navigation. This new navigation has a sleek, modern look and feel and will save you time with simpler workflows and easier access to important information.

I bet you have questions, so take a look here [INSERT LINK] to get some answers.


Ultra Base Navigation in the Support Center

The Impact Support Center includes the ready-made help items related to Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation.

Location: Support Center

Audience: Instructors and Students

Content Type: support article



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Blackboard Learn Ultra


Getting Started with Blackboard Ultra for Instructors

This support article lives in the Support Center and is specifically for instructors who are getting started with the Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience.

Location: Support Center

Audience: Instructors

Content Type: support article



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From the moment you log in, you have access to core features in the menu where your name appears. You can easily return to the menu from wherever you area – even if you’re in a course. The menu peeks from behind the other layers you have open.

When you select any link from the menu, you see a global view across all your courses. For example, Grades show all your grading tasks organized by course. No need to navigate to each course to see what’s ready for grading.

Institution Page: Find information about your institution.

Profile: Select your name in the list and make changes to your online persona.

Activity Stream: See up-to-the-mnute action for all of your courses.

Courses: Navigate to past, present, and future courses.

Organizations: Access the organizations that you lead or are a member of.

Calendar: view course events and due dates for all your courses.

Messages: View and send messages in all of your Ultra courses.

Grades: See what needs grading across all your courses.

Tools: Access global functions that are outside of your courses such as portfolios or the Content Collection.

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