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Started at Sep 18, 2024 06:30 AM
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Promote Health & Safety For Students During Covid-19

Promote Health & Safety For Students During Covid-19

Applicable Learning Management System(s):  Canvas

Campaign Description: To make students aware of and acknowledge the social compact/agreement stating that they will make efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 while on campus for any reason

Success Criteria: It is successful if there is a high percentage of monitor triggers on the acknowledgment checkbox

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Annelise Ewing Goodman on behalf of Community College System of New Hampshire


CCSNH COVID-19 Student Social Compact

Popup message on the Canvas home page for students describing the social impact whereby students agree to take precautions for their own personal health and safety during Covid-19 times, as well as for others on campus and for the community at large.

Location: Course Home

Audience: Students

Content Type: pop-up message



Copy Message Content: 

Hi {{user.first_name}},

Please read and acknowledge the Social Compact below.

This compact applies to students coming onto campus for any purpose.

As a member of this campus, we face a serious public health situation that requires a new level of awareness and caution in our daily lives. As a caring community, we understand that our health and safety depend on how well we take care of ourselves and each other. As a member of this community I promise to responsibly protect my health and the health of others. I make these efforts to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other risks to our community’s health and to best preserve the learning opportunities available to me as a student at this college.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is highly contagious. It is possible to develop and contract COVID- 19, even when individuals follow all of the safety precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the State of New Hampshire, and the College. NH’s community colleges are following coronavirus guidelines issued by the CDC, the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and other reliable resources to reduce the spread of infection. However, by engaging in on- or off-campus activities, students, faculty and staff can never be completely shielded from all risks of exposure or illness caused by COVID-19 or other infections. 

Maintaining college instructional and service activities is dependent upon how well ALL members of our college community adhere to public health recommendations and expectations. Significant changes in the trajectory of the virus may result in changes to instructional and campus operational plans. It is in all of our best interests to do our part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. To protect myself and others, and preserve the opportunity of learning in this campus setting, I understand that as a member of the CCSNH community I will be expected to:


Monitor for the symptoms of COVID-19 and report as directed by the college and to a medical professional if I experience fever, cough, shortness of breath or other symptoms identified by public health authorities
Wash my hands often with soap and water or use effective hand sanitizer
Maintain appropriate physical distancing, especially in indoor settings
Protect myself from viral respiratory infections by means that may include obtaining a flu shot as recommended by NH public health authorities
Follow all other recommendations of public health officials in the State of New Hampshire


Stay home if feeling ill, or after exposure to someone who is ill or is suspected or confirmed positive for COVID-19
Wear an appropriate face covering and other protective gear as directed by the college
Be positive, sensitive and helpful to anyone around me who may be troubled or struggling
Recognize that others may have health conditions or relevant family circumstances that are private and respect their needs for personal and community precautions
Understand that individuals can have COVID-19 yet be asymptomatic and therefore an unknown carrier of the virus


Keep clothing, belongings, personal spaces and shared common spaces clean
Carefully observe instructional signs and follow directions
Inform the designated COVID-19 Contact Person at my college if I have a positive test or am experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19
Participate as requested in testing and contact tracing to preserve the wellness of the community
Recognize that COVID-19 does not stop at campus boundaries and be aware that my behavior outside campus can create risks for my on-campus community
Behave with compassion and understand that we are all doing the best we can in unprecedented circumstances – share concerns rather than anger or blame


Complete required precautions prior to arrival on campus, or if I have had to leave the state
Self-isolate in accordance with NH DHHS guidelines if I test positive for COVID-19
Quarantine in accordance with NH DHHS guidelines if I am identified as having been in close contact of a suspected or confirmed case for COVID-19 or fall under the travel restrictions for COVID-19
Practice safe physical distancing when participating in the community outside of the campus
Pay attention to and observe local and state directives
Remember that not everyone is affected equally by COVID-19 and by complying with COVID-19 health guidelines, I will help those who are most vulnerable to stay safe
This virus does not discriminate, and neither will I – no person or group of people is responsible for this virus and I will not blame the presence of COVID-19 on anyone in my community

This Social Compact is part of the Student Code of Conduct adopted for the 2020-21 academic year. 

Click here for a printable version of the CCSNH Student Social Compact. For more information on COVID-19 CCSNH Community Response go to:

 I acknowledge that I have read and understand the contents of the above letter.

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Thanks, useful share 🙂