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Reviewing Academic Integrity Policy

Reviewing Academic Integrity Policy

Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard Ultra, Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, D2L

Campaign Description: This message is to remind students about the academic integrity policy and provide confirmation they have agreed to the Honor Code.

Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Katie van den Berk


Academic Integrity Policy

Increased knowledge of honor code policy

Location: Assignments

Audience: Students

Content Type:  systray message



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Cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty run contrary to the purpose of higher education and will not be tolerated at [UNIVERSITY NAME.] Academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to) plagiarism, copying answers or work done by another student (either on an exam or on out-of-class assignments), allowing another student to copy from you, and using unauthorized materials during an exam.
Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and could result in failing an assignment, course, review by the HonorBoard, or suspension. Please read through the university Honor Code Policy [LINK] to review student expectations.

Optional: We can make this a pop-up that includes a checkbox saying “I have read and agree to the Honor Code Policy for the Spring 2021 semester” and provide a list of all students who complied. Talk to your CSM to add this feature!

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