New to Canvas? Me too!!

Community Novice

   I am new to Canvas in the sense that I have never used it in my class. I have gone through a training through my school that every teacher had to do. Doing this training, I earned my Canvas badge. I never used Canvas after that training. Sitting here today, I am going through the Canvas Expert course. I have learned a lot of new things that I would like to start implemented in my classroom this year.

   I like the feature in assignments where you can have group work. You can allow students to pick their groups and set a limit to how many students are in the group. I like the feature in the grade book where you can add comments and mark students completed or not. Canvas can seem scary at first with all of the different features. I would suggest taking a introductory course on Canvas to learn more about it.

   If you like google classroom, you will like Canvas as well. Canvas is a place to have your things more organized and be able to integrate more technology features in your work. I would highly recommend trying Canvas and playing around with all of the different features. 

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