Tell Us Why You Love Canvas Certified Educator (#CCELovesYouBack)


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This Valentine's Day, celebrate with Canvas Certified Educator! 

Tell us why you love Canvas Certified Educator & you'll get a chance to receive this pin:

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We have 50 of these pins to give out to folks who create a Valentine to the Canvas Certified Educator program and share it here, or other places on social media. If you're interested, here are the steps for your chance at one of the 50 pins!

Steps to Take to for Your Chance at the  #CCELovesYouBack Pin

  • Pick a Valentine Template (or make your own if you're feeling creative!) from the list we have posted here. Each of the templates lives in Canva, and you can make a copy and customize it!
  • Save your Valentine, and share the image along with why you love the Canvas Certified Educator Program. You can share it on social media, and/or below! Use the hashtags #ILoveCCE, #CCEinProgress, #CanvasCertified, and #CCELovesYouBack
  • Finally, fill out this Google Form to let us know you participated!

We can't wait to see your valentines and reasons why you love the Canvas Certified Educator program!

Happy Valentine's Day from the team at Canvas Certified Educator! 


Canvas Certified Educator (CCE) is designed by educators for educators. A series of six online courses make up the program, aimed to strengthen your hands-on experience teaching with Canvas as you learn pedagogical best practices for online and blended learning. We offer both a K12 and a Higher Ed track. More information is available here: Canvas Certified Educator FAQs. You can also contact us at