Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is. If Yoda worked for Canvas!

Community Contributor

Since May the Fourth was here last week, I was looking for something Star Wars related to send to staff in my weekly teaching and learning updates. I figured Yoda was the most relevant for teachers and when I began Googling Yoda quotes- of websites I found a plethora. (Including Learn to talk like Yoda)

So here goes the Canvas references!

No! Try not! Do or do not, there is no try.

We can always edit content, students can always edit work. The beauty of technological tools is editing, deleting, resubmitting, collaborating, differentiating and 24/7 access just to name a few things here. Gone are the days of buying two large sheets of cardboard in case you make a mistake on the first project and have to start all over again. The time saved means we can do!

Judge me by my size, do you?

Kids can do and create wonderful things when given the right tools, and the chance to create, choose and collaborate. Canvas gives students access to groups, peer assessment and the ability to comment on their own feedback in Speedgrader.

Always pass on what you have learned.

Commons! Need I say more here – we need to keep sharing, in particular Australian schools and new syllabus content etc. Think of the time saved.

Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.

Learning portfolios are always important for students – in particular if students are going for portfolio entry into University, applying for employment or presenting quality work to a real world audience.

For staff, rolling over and evaluating courses always comes to mind here. Sometimes the content doesn’t change, just the faces in front of you. In addition, if you have differentiated content within courses for some students, there are always others that will benefit from this work.

So certain were you. Go back and closer you must look.

Multiple attempts in assignments and being able to draft, give feedback and promote assessment for and as learning within courses, tasks and lessons. The ability to message students in Canvas is also of benefit here, some students still do not use social media (not a lot, but some) and this assists students to access these messages free of charge.

You will find only what you bring in.

This goes for anything – you will get out of Canvas exactly what you give. Same as your students – a little effort, a smile, a kind word, a flipped learning video – anything that makes their learning a happier time of their life. Sometimes teachers are their only constant in life at this stage.

Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future…

Ahhh beta release notes and Canvas ideas…

In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.

Not only for our students, and the ability to see that learning can be fun, but also for staff. This is where I see the Community. Sometimes I have no idea how to do something – the Community always has the answer.

For my students – content is always in their modules, thinking is modelled and alive.

If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are… a different game you should play.

Solutions to problems are sometimes found in different places, by different people – collaboration tools, online learning, and communication either face to face or online. Discussions always help and maybe a different direction is needed. Yet the goal is always the same- successful students performing at their best, and successful teachers feeling valued.

And the last one…When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.

I don't doubt that Yoda! Happy belated May the Fourth (be with you).
