Using Worksheets in Gamified Activities (Treasure Hunts, Escape Rooms etc)

Community Coach
Community Coach

I was recently asked by a Maths teacher if I could help with some ideas for a Treasure Hunt style game on Canvas. The teacher had read the previous post on Canvas (Scavenger Hunts in Canvas - My Light Bulb Moment! - Instructure Community - 601989 ( and was keen to use this sort of idea.

The teacher has some pdf worksheets and wondered how they could be incorporated into the game as a clue.

My suggestion was to insert the pdf worksheet into the Canvas page using the Insert > Document feature and upload the worksheet:









When the document is uploaded, you can click on it and choose Link Options:







On the right-hand side of the page, you get the Link Options pop-up menu where you can select Preview Inline and Expand Preview by Default:








What this does to the document is sort of 'embed' it so it appears on the page:











So how do you include a worksheet as a clue as part of a Treasure Hunt and more importantly make sure students do all the questions

We used the Lockee digital lock tool -  and set a password of 25168 with a link to go to the next page.

Why 25168?

Its in the instructions...!



Although being a bit sneaky, and in theme with a Treasure Hunt,  I changed the font colour of key information to white so it did not show up!



Anyone have other creative ways for using worksheets in Canvas? Do get in touch....