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Canvas saved my life! Canvas is a great tool to integrate in the classroom for the students, but especially the teacher! I have just finished a professional development for Canvas, and I am wondering why I didn't use Canvas in my classroom last year?...

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Until this week, I had little experience with Canvas, other than using it in Professional Development, basically as a student myself. I took a step outside of my comfort zone and signed up for a Canvas Expert course. This course pushed me to explore ...

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One thing that we do at my school every year is what we call heightened review. This occurs during the last two weeks of instruction before the students take their exams. Heightened review is when teachers try to review everything that has been cover...

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Within my PLC we have effectively used Canvas modules to re-loop skills after students take a common assessment.  Each test item was linked to a standard and we set up Mastery Paths based on students' performance on each standard.  Using this method ...

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Canvas offers several assessment tools you can use to track and improve student learning in your courses.  Use the links below to find guides, walkthroughs, and videos on how to enable the full functionality of student learning assessment in Canvas, ...

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Organizing NotesEvery year I struggle with students taking and organizing effective notes and binders. I have tried various methods to help students stay organized. My first year I had students by a three-ring binder and page dividers, to find that s...

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   If you teach multiple sections of the same class and are concerned with the possiblity of students from classes that meet early in the day sharing quiz questions and/or answers with their friends who come to your class later in the day, these feat...

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As a middle school teacher, my lessons and ideas must always involve collaboration. Students cannot sit still, cannot stay quiet, and must be able to work with each other in order to achieve their goals. As I approached our unit on Animal Farm this y...

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I am brand new to Canvas. In Tasmania we are aiming to transfer from our current LMS to the bright shiny world of Canvas very soon. Ideas, tips and tricks welcome. I'm already overwhelmed by the amazing support the Canvas Community offers. Can't wait...

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            I think all of us, as educators, frequently lose sight of one really important thing. We get caught up in the everyday tasks, overwhelmed with constant planning, and lost in our metrics. We make daily decisions and by all means do our bes...

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In 2016 we ran a series of after school training sessions to show parents how to use Canvas. A comment that came up time and again was how can a parent easily switch the view from one child to the next in the website. This is not a new request and ha...

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Very exciting!  @david_summervi1 ‌ and I are going to start looking at our Canvas PD training courses, and other PD courses we have developed on Canvas such as Staff Orientation and apply to get them on to MyPL hopefully as non-registered hours for T...

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HI Everyone,As a relatively new user (under 12 months) we are constantly discovering things that Canvas can do and how we can match it to the needs of our students. I am sure people have already discovered this, but I thought it was worthy to share. ...

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ContextNot only does Daft Punk have a song called Doin' It Right, it features (and this is not a lie) an artist known as Panda Bear. Have a listen to the irresistible track on YouTube. Now that that lyric is stuck in your head, let's consider the par...

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Like most people in the Community, I could write a number of lists and posts containing my favorite aspects, implementation strategies, and use cases regarding Canvas. Today, however, I want to take some time to talk about other favorites...the types...

Community Team Community Team
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We’re familiar with the saying “Practice makes perfect,” and during this time of year, in particular, I enjoy taking the time to reflect on my teaching practices and philosophies. Personal and professional reflection isn’t “work” for me. Even with a ...

Community Team Community Team
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You Do You!February may be short, but for teachers it is often one of the longest months of the year. Students are tired. Teachers are tired. Tensions are high. Morale is low. It is hard to find the motivation and energy to pour into others if our ow...

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We are an Office365 school but it would appear that pretty much every student has their own personal gmail account. The Head of MFL Faculty approached me about using Google collaborations with her A Level/IB French groups.I spent this morning explori...

Community Coach Community Coach
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This document is only a test. It will be deleted in a few minutes. I apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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We are just over 2 weeks into the full launch of Canvas at our school. We spent a considerable time planning for the implementation (over a year!). Wherever possible we tried to listen to the needs of each department and incorporate them in our plann...

Community Coach Community Coach
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I want to preface this by saying that, on paper (or ‘in the cloud’ as paper becomes more and more obsolete’) that my thoughts and feelings on using a learning environment like Canvas are well into the positive side of the spectrum. The potential for ...

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I was made aware yesterday, that Google apps integration for Canvas Learning Management System was up and running.  Today, I dived in and tried a few things. I'm sure there is more here, but I'll dig in more when I have time.Our administrator already...

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When I started working in elearning I was given some interesting advice when trying to persuade staff to adopt new practices.It wasn't the usual stuff like:Show something that will make an impact, show something that will reduce workflow, show someth...

Community Coach Community Coach
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The feedback between Instructors and Students is the cornerstone to Student success and mastery.  I have developed a table highlighting the major feedback resources in Canvas.  Enjoy!

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Why are parents often among the last ones to be informed about digital developments' in a school? After working on virtual learning environments for 15yrs I am never quite sure this is by accident or design :O)It got me to thinking what possible reas...

Community Coach Community Coach
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I use quizzes a lot in my Physics lessons. I try to use a mix of closed and open question both to add variety to the quiz (and, if I am honest, to cut down on the marking!)When I set open answers, especially formula based questions, I like to give st...

Community Coach Community Coach
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Instructure Instructure
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This is a how to document that you can use to easily make your pages look professional and engaging with minimal formatting with the help of embed codes from sites such as Smore.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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For those teachers who are evaluated using a tool that uses Marzano domains, this spreadsheet highlights the connection between Canvas Tools and high impact practices.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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