[ARCHIVED] Documenting Elementary School Student Work and Storage Limits

Community Member

Hi everybody, we're a new K-6 online school using Canvas. Handwritten work is important to our curriculum and pedagogy and necessary for our young students who can't type. As such, for assignments, we're having students photograph their work on paper and submit the .JPG's. We're also having students record videos of themselves reciting poetry, answering questions, and doing other things. Unfortunately, this is causing us to quickly approach our storage limits. Parents are uploading multiple 3 MB smartphone photos of worksheets every day, and this is clearly unsustainable. 

My question is: how are other elementary schools handling assignment submissions? If you are having students take photos, is there a way to compress or export the images after a week or two? I'm very interested to hear what solutions you've come up with. Thanks. 

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